If Video Killed The Radio Star, What Will Kill Video?

23 May 2023
Vintage television with bad signal in the night 2022 03 18 15 43 27 utc min

In today's digital age, video has become a dominant force in the world of media and entertainment. As a video production agency, we have seen first-hand how video has revolutionised the way businesses and brands communicate with their audiences.

The rise of video content has been so significant that it's impossible to ignore its impact on the industry. It reminds us of the iconic song "Video Killed the Radio Star" which highlights the change in the entertainment industry from radio to television.

Now, we ask the question: if video killed the radio star, what will kill video? Or if anything can kill it?

In this blog post, we'll explore the future of video and the potential threats that could disrupt the industry as we know it.

The Evolution Of Video

Video production has come a long way since its inception in the late 1800s with the development of the first motion picture camera. From black-and-white silent films to modern-day high-definition videos, the technology and techniques used in video production have continuously evolved over the years.

In the mid-20th century, the introduction of television revolutionised the way people consumed video content. The emergence of cable television in the 1980s opened up new opportunities for channels dedicated to specific genres such as news, sports, and music.

The advent of digital video technology in the late 20th century marked a significant turning point in the industry. The shift to digital video production and distribution allowed for more efficient workflows, cost-effective equipment, and easier access to a wider audience. It also allowed for the creation of more immersive and engaging content.

With the rise of digital video, traditional media such as film and television had to adapt to stay relevant. Many films and television shows are now produced and distributed digitally, and streaming services like Netflix and Amazon Prime have disrupted the traditional television industry.

Furthermore, the widespread use of social media platforms such as YouTube, Instagram, and TikTok has had a significant impact on how people consume and create video content. These platforms have given rise to a new generation of content creators who produce videos that are often short, punchy, and highly engaging.

The popularity of these platforms has also led to the development of new video production techniques such as vertical video and live streaming. Brands and businesses have recognised the potential of social media as a marketing tool and have increasingly turned to video content to engage with their audiences. To stay relevant businesses now need to keep up with the evolving video trends and techniques.

Video Production Today

The current state of video production is thriving, and it is more important than ever for brands and businesses to utilise video in their marketing strategies. In fact, according to HubSpot, 91% of businesses use video as a marketing tool, and this number is only increasing.

Video production has also evolved to encompass a variety of types, each with its own unique purpose. Promotional videos are typically used to showcase a product or service, while brand videos focus on the values and mission of a company. Explainer videos are popular for simplifying complex topics and processes, and social media videos are designed for quick consumption on platforms like Instagram and TikTok.

In addition to different types of videos, video production also utilises various techniques to create engaging content. Animation and motion graphics are often used to bring static visuals to life, while 360-degree video allows viewers to immerse themselves in a virtual environment. These techniques, along with others like drone footage and virtual reality, are constantly being refined and improved upon to create more dynamic and immersive video experiences.

The Best Is Yet To Come

As technology continues to advance, the video production industry is evolving at an unprecedented pace. New emerging technologies are changing the video production landscape and their potential impact on brands and businesses.

Virtual reality, augmented reality, and artificial intelligence are all emerging technologies that have the potential to revolutionise the way we produce and consume video content.

Virtual reality allows viewers to immerse themselves in a fully realised 3D environment, creating a more immersive and interactive viewing experience. Augmented reality overlays digital content on top of the real world, allowing for unique marketing opportunities. Augmented reality is brilliant for businesses wanting to show customers how their lives would be with their product in their life, giving them an experience through their camera of what it would look like at home. Artificial intelligence can be used to automate video production processes, from scriptwriting to post-production.

These emerging technologies have the potential to open up new opportunities for brands and businesses to connect with their audiences in innovative ways. Virtual and augmented reality can be used to create engaging brand experiences, while artificial intelligence can be used to personalise video content and automate the production process.

Furthermore, these technologies can help brands stand out in an increasingly crowded digital landscape, providing a competitive advantage. However, with these emerging technologies comes the potential for challenges. There may be a learning curve for implementing these new technologies, and they may require significant investments of time and resources.

Additionally, emerging technologies may also raise ethical and privacy concerns that need to be addressed, such as the use of artificial intelligence and its impact on data privacy.

Despite these potential challenges, the future of video production is exciting and full of possibilities., and we know that these challenges will certainly have solutions in the near future. As technology continues to advance, we look forward to the new and innovative ways in which video production will continue to evolve.

Can Anything Kill Video?

Despite the ever-evolving landscape of video production, there are potential challenges that could impact the future of the industry.

One challenge that could impact the future of video production is changing consumer preferences. As technology continues to advance, consumers may become more selective in the types of video content they consume, leading to a decrease in demand for certain types of videos. Video production agencies must stay ahead of these changes by continuously evaluating and adapting their offerings to meet the evolving needs of consumers.

Technological limitations are also a potential challenge for the future of video production. While emerging technologies offer exciting new possibilities for video production, they may also present limitations such as the need for expensive equipment or specialised skills. However, this is where we, the video production team can come in to help your business. We will already have the new tech and equipment needed to create any type of video so we can help you stay relevant and on-trend with the growing technologies.

Economic factors such as budget cuts or recessions may also impact the future of video production. During tough economic times, businesses may reduce their spending on video marketing, but as we’ve said before video is a key part of any marketing strategy having some form of video in your strategy could be a key part of your business success. If you’re under a budget talk to us about it and we can see what we can do.

Despite these potential challenges, brands can continue to thrive in their industry by embracing video innovation and creativity. By staying ahead of emerging technologies and finding new and exciting ways to create video content.

Video Won't Be Killed, It Is Evolving

In conclusion, video production has come a long way since the days of "Video Killed the Radio Star." The evolution of video has brought about significant changes in the entertainment and media industry, and digital video has disrupted traditional media. Social media platforms like YouTube, Instagram, and TikTok have changed the way we consume and produce videos.

Today, video production is more important than ever for brands and businesses. Different types of videos, such as promotional videos, brand videos, explainer videos, and social media videos, are all essential for building brand awareness and engaging with audiences. A variety of video production techniques, such as animation, motion graphics, and 360-degree video, have enabled brands to create unique and immersive experiences for their customers.

Looking to the future, emerging technologies like virtual reality, augmented reality, and artificial intelligence are expected to revolutionise video production. Some businesses have already taken a leap into this new world and soon we expect this will be a new normal. We’re excited to see what the future holds for video and how these new trends can help businesses grow. It will certainly help brands get closer to their audience, literally.

And finally to answer our question, ‘What will kill video?’ Nothing. Video can’t be killed but be ready to watch it evolve into new trends and techniques we haven’t seen before.

Want to keep up to date with the latest trends in video production? Follow our social pages where we share behind-the-scenes sneak peeks, case studies and thought pieces on the current trends in video and social media.




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