How To Expand Your Reach With Connected TV (CTV) Ads

27 March 2024
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Connected TV (CTV) has emerged as one of the most powerful tools for maximising brand awareness in recent years. It is completely transforming the TV landscape in the UK, giving users what they want and when they want it in the form of on-demand content. The number of households adopting CTV has risen meteorically in the UK, with now over 66% of households owning at least one, with CTV viewing accounting for over a quarter of all TV viewing by UK adults. This figure is even higher for younger generations, with 16-24-year-olds accounting for an even higher 55%, which shows how much of a foothold CTV has among younger generations.

After all, ad-supported CTV offers viewers a free or low-cost alternative to traditional subscription services, giving users more flexibility and providing businesses with a more targeted approach to their advertising efforts. Disney+ and Netflix have been at the forefront of the ad-supported CTV surge, with Disney+ especially seeing huge success with its ad-supported tier, generating millions of subscribers since it hit living room devices worldwide.

In this blog, we will look at ways your business can capitalise on this widespread new adoption of CTV, with particular reference to how you can expand your reach with ad-supported CTV models to truly up your game and make the most of your advertising budget.

With the introductory facts out of the way, let’s dive into it.

Utilise Targeted Audience Segmentation

In CTV advertising, audience segmentation is the process of dividing viewers into distinct groups based on their perceived interests, behavioural patterns, and even their demographic. This allows advertisers to tailor their ad campaigns to specific audience segments, which ultimately boosts the relevance and effectiveness of their ads.

One of the leading benefits of targeted advertising on ad-supported CTV platforms is its ability to generate engagement, and therefore increase conversion rates. By delivering personalised ads, advertisers will have an easier time capturing the attention of viewers more effectively, creating a stronger drive to make a purchase or visit a website.

But what does this actually look like? Firstly, analysing viewing behaviour can provide actionable insights into the types of content that different audiences are consuming. By understanding what appeals to each group, advertisers can create ads that align more closely with viewer interests, which will have a knock-on effect on engagement figures.

Additionally, by leveraging data analytics tools, advertisers can spot patterns and trends within their audience demographics, giving them the power to refine their targeting approach and deliver more relevant and impactful ads. This approach not only increases engagement but also enhances the overall efficiency and success of CTV advertising efforts. Money well spent!

Creating Compelling and Relevant Content

Quality is king! After all, the true effectiveness of an ad campaign often comes down to how well it delivers compelling and relevant content that resonates with viewers. So, don’t skimp on the quality of your messaging.

Quality content also helps to establish a positive brand image and builds trust with the audience. Engaging and well-produced content can leave a lasting impression on viewers, increasing brand recall and building brand loyalty over time. Moreover, high-quality content is more likely to generate shares and word-of-mouth recommendations, maximising the reach of the ad campaign organically as it circulates amongst your audience.

Tailoring content to specific audience segments is another key aspect of creating effective CTV ads. This personalised approach increases the relevance of the ad content, making it more likely to resonate with viewers on a deeper level, thus influencing more action.

Successful content strategies in CTV advertising often involve a combination of creativity, relevance, and authenticity. For example, some brands have leveraged storytelling techniques to create immersive ad experiences that captivate audiences and evoke emotional responses. Others have embraced user-generated content or interactive elements to encourage viewer engagement and participation.

All told, the key to success lies in crafting content that not only grabs attention but also delivers value to the audience. By prioritising quality and relevance in their CTV ads, advertisers can maximise the impact of their campaigns and achieve their marketing objectives effectively.

Collaborating with Influencers and Partnerships

Leveraging influencer marketing is a strong opportunity to amplify reach and engagement. With their dedicated followings and connections with their audiences, influencers can serve as powerful advocates for brands seeking to expand their reach in the digital landscape.

Bringing influencers into CTV advertising campaigns can offer more credibility and authenticity to brand messaging, as their recommendations are perceived as genuine endorsements by their followers. This creates more trust and elevates the overall effectiveness of advertising efforts.

Additionally, collaborating with influencers allows brands to tap into niche audiences that may be otherwise challenging to reach through traditional advertising channels. Influencers can connect with highly engaged communities that belong to specific demographics, providing advertisers with access to valuable segments of the market.

A big part of a successful partnership comes down to Identifying and engaging with the right influencers. Brands should do thorough research to identify influencers whose audience demographics and interests align with their target market. Once this is done, the next step is to initiate partnerships through various means, such as sponsored content collaborations, brand ambassadorships, or product placements.

This all goes to show how collaborating with influencers and forging partnerships in CTV advertising offers brands a strategic approach to expanding reach and driving engagement. By leveraging the influence and credibility of trusted individuals within relevant communities, advertisers can effectively connect with their target audiences and achieve their marketing objectives efficiently and to great success.

Utilising Data Analytics for Optimisation

Extracting insights from data analytics is paramount for any ad campaign, and this doesn’t differ when it comes to breaking into the world of CTV advertising. Analysing data makes it easier and more efficient to make informed decisions, refine targeting strategies, and tailor ad content to better resonate with their target audience. This data-driven approach enables advertisers to maximise the impact of their ad campaigns, but there are various ways to do this. These include:

  1. Viewer demographics: Understanding the demographic profile of the audience helps advertisers target their ads more effectively.

  2. Viewer engagement: Metrics such as ad completion rates, click-through rates, and time spent viewing can provide insights into viewer engagement with ad content.

  3. Ad performance: Tracking metrics such as impressions, reach, and frequency helps advertisers assess the effectiveness of their ad campaigns and identify areas for improvement.

To analyse data and optimise CTV ad campaigns effectively, advertisers can follow these steps:

  1. Collect comprehensive data: Gather data from CTV platforms, ad servers, and third-party analytics tools to gain a holistic view of campaign performance.

  2. Analyse key metrics: Identify key performance indicators (KPIs) relevant to campaign objectives and analyse them to assess campaign effectiveness.

  3. Iterative optimisation: Use insights from data analysis to make data-driven decisions and continuously refine ad targeting, messaging, and creative elements to improve campaign performance over time.

By leveraging data analytics tools and insights, advertisers can optimise their CTV ad campaigns to maximise reach, engagement, and return on investment (ROI) effectively.


To conclude, there are many ways of making the most out of CTV advertising, and we’ve covered some of the most important strategies to consider when your main goal is to expand your reach.

To recap, targeted audience segmentation allows advertisers to tailor their ad campaigns to specific audience segments, increasing relevance and engagement. Compelling content ensures that ads capture audience attention and drive desired actions effectively. Collaborating with influencers can extend reach and credibility while leveraging data analytics enables advertisers to optimise campaigns for maximum effectiveness.

Looking ahead, the future of CTV advertising holds immense potential for innovation and growth. As technology continues to evolve and consumer preferences eventually change with time, advertisers must keep an agile and adaptable approach to capitalise on emerging opportunities in the CTV advertising space. By embracing new trends and strategies, advertisers can continue to expand their reach and drive meaningful connections with audiences.

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