5 Reasons Why Our Brains Love Video

20 April 2023
Blog post videobrain

Our world is bursting with video content, and it's easy to understand why. Videos engage our senses, captivate our attention, and leave a lasting impression on our memories. From the convenience of streaming services to the art of storytelling, there are countless reasons why our brains love video. The online world is full of video, and over 3.37 billion of us internet users tune in to some form of video content each month.

In this article, we’re going to take a deeper dive into the top 5 reasons why our brains love video, and how it impacts our attention and retention. From the sensory stimulation of visual content to the convenience of on-demand video, we'll delve into the science behind why our brains can't get enough of video. So, sit back, relax, and take a journey through the fascinating world of video and the human brain with us.

1. Attention And Retention

Attention and retention are two of the most important factors that contribute to the success of video content. Our brains are wired to process visual information faster and more effectively than any other form of stimuli. According to a study by Wyzowl, 73% of people would rather learn about a product or service through a short video than any other medium. This statistic alone speaks volumes about the effectiveness of video in capturing our attention.

But what is it about video that makes it so attention-grabbing? One reason is that videos engage multiple senses at once, which helps to hold our attention. The combination of visual and auditory cues creates a more immersive experience that draws us in and keeps us engaged.

Another reason why video is so effective at holding our attention is that it can tell a story in a way that other mediums cannot. The power of storytelling has been proven time and time again, and video is the perfect medium for delivering a compelling narrative. When we watch a video that tells a story, we become emotionally invested in the characters and the plot. This emotional connection helps to keep us engaged and interested in the content.

In addition to capturing our attention, video is also incredibly effective at improving retention. Research has shown that people are more likely to remember information when it is presented in a visual format. In fact, according to studies, we remember 10% of what we hear, 20% of what we read, and 80% of what we see and do.

Video is particularly effective at improving retention because it can convey information in a way that is both engaging and memorable. The combination of visuals, sound, and storytelling creates a multi-sensory experience that helps us to retain information more effectively. When we watch a video, we are more likely to remember what we have seen and heard because the information is presented in a way that is easy to understand and remember.

In short, as long as the information in your video is clear and concise and presented in an aesthetically pleasing way, it will attract your audience and they will be able to take away your key messages smoothly. A good example of showing information in this way would be through animation. Animation is amazing for our senses and we are able to digest the video and key points from it easily if it’s presented clearly. Take a look at some of the animation work we’ve created for our clients over on our website.

2. Beyond Sight And Sound

Video content is not just limited to sight and sound, it can also engage other senses such as touch, taste, and smell. While it's true that the vast majority of video content relies heavily on visuals and audio, certain industries have been able to incorporate other senses into their video content.

For example, the food industry has been using video for years to showcase the taste and texture of their products. Cooking shows and recipe videos are a perfect example of how video can engage our sense of taste and smell. Viewers can almost taste the food they are watching being prepared, and this helps to create an emotional connection between the viewer and the food.

The travel industry is another example of how video can engage our senses beyond sight and sound. Travel videos can take viewers on a virtual journey to exotic destinations, allowing them to experience different cultures, foods, and traditions. This type of content is particularly effective at engaging our sense of adventure and exploration, making us more likely to remember and share the video with others.

In addition to engaging our senses, incorporating other sensory experiences into video content can also help to create a more immersive experience. Virtual reality and 360-degree videos, for example, can create a fully immersive experience that engages all of our senses. This type of content is particularly effective at creating a strong emotional connection between the viewer and the content as it makes them feel as though they are really there and interacting with the brand or their product. Our sub-brand Ideal 360 specialises in Virtual Tours and are expert in showcasing your business and boosting your visibility.

While video content is primarily focused on sight and sound, there are ways to engage other senses to create a more immersive and memorable experience. By incorporating other sensory experiences such as taste, touch, and smell, video content can create a stronger emotional connection with the viewer and improve retention. As technology continues to evolve, we can expect to see more and more creative ways to engage our senses with video content.

3. Anytime, Anywhere

Video content has become more accessible than ever before (and our brains love the convenience), thanks to advancements in technology and the widespread availability of high-speed internet. No longer do we have to wait for our favourite shows to air on television, or for a DVD to arrive in the post. We can now access video content anytime, anywhere, using our smartphones, tablets, laptops, and other connected devices.

This convenience has revolutionised the way we consume media. We can now watch videos on our commute, during our lunch break, or while waiting in line at the supermarket. This on-demand availability has also given rise to new forms of video content, such as short-form videos and live streaming.

The popularity of video streaming services like Netflix, Amazon Prime, and Hulu has also skyrocketed in recent years. These services offer thousands of hours of content, from movies and TV shows to documentaries and original programming. The ability to watch any video, at any time, has changed the way we approach entertainment and information consumption.

More importantly to us, the convenience of on-demand video has also had a profound impact on businesses and marketers. Companies can now create and distribute video content that reaches their audience at any time, on any device. This means that businesses can connect with their customers in more meaningful ways and create engaging video content that stands out in a crowded market.

The anytime, anywhere availability of video content has transformed the way we consume media and how businesses reach their audiences. As technology continues to evolve, we can expect video to become even more prevalent and accessible. For marketers and content creators, it's important to understand how the convenience of on-demand video affects audience behaviour and to create video content that is optimised for this new era of media consumption. If you’re looking to add video to your marketing strategy or to level up your video content get in contact with us today.

4. Once Upon A Video

Our brains are wired to respond to stories, and video is an incredibly effective medium for delivering those stories. Storytelling helps to capture our attention, engage our emotions, and create a connection with the audience. Using video takes these benefits to the next level, with the added power of visual and auditory cues that help to make the story more memorable.

One of the key reasons why video storytelling is so effective is that it creates an emotional connection with the audience. When we watch a video that tells a story, we become invested in the characters and the plot, wanting to find out how their story ends. We empathise with their struggles and feel a sense of satisfaction when they overcome obstacles. This emotional connection helps to keep us engaged and interested in the content, and it makes the story more memorable. This is a great way to showcase how your product or service will solve a problem for your target audience, showing them a real-life example that is relatable to them.

Video storytelling is also effective because it allows us to convey complex ideas and information in a way that is easy to understand. A well-crafted video can break down complex concepts into simple, easy-to-digest pieces that are more accessible to the audience. This is particularly useful for businesses and marketers, who can use video storytelling to explain their products or services in a more engaging and relatable way.

In addition to being emotionally engaging and informative, video storytelling can also be incredibly immersive. With the use of visuals, sound effects, and music, video can create a fully-realised world that the audience can become fully absorbed in. This level of immersion helps to create a more memorable experience for the viewer, and it can help to reinforce the emotional connection between the audience and the story.

Our brains love video storytelling because it is emotionally engaging, informative, and immersive. Video has the power to create an emotional connection with the audience, simply convey complex ideas, and transport us to new worlds. As businesses and marketers continue to recognise the power of video storytelling, we can expect to see more and more compelling stories told through this powerful medium. Head over to our other blog covering 8 different types of video storytelling you can use in your marketing strategy to encapsulate your audience.

5. Powerhouse Of Memories

Video is a highly memorable medium, and this is due in part to the way our brains process visual and auditory information. Our brains are programmed to prioritise information that is both visually and audibly engaging, and video content has the ability to deliver on both fronts.

Studies have shown that we retain information more effectively when it is presented in a multimedia format, such as through video. This is because video can engage multiple senses simultaneously, creating a more robust and memorable experience for the viewer. When we watch a video, we not only see the images on screen, but we also hear the accompanying sound effects, music, and dialogue. This multi-sensory experience creates a more immersive and memorable experience, which is why our brains are drawn to video content.

Another reason why video is so memorable is that it is highly engaging. Video content is designed to capture our attention and hold it for an extended period of time. This engagement helps to create a more lasting impression in our minds, and it makes the content more memorable. This is particularly true when the video content is well-crafted and tells a compelling story.

Video also has the advantage of being highly shareable. When we watch a video that we find memorable or enjoyable, we are more likely to share it with others. This sharing behaviour helps to amplify the impact of the video content and makes it more likely to be remembered and discussed.


In conclusion, there are many reasons why our brains love video content. Video engages multiple senses, captures our attention, creates an emotional connection, and is highly memorable. Video has the power to tell compelling stories, convey complex information, and transport us to new worlds. As businesses and marketers continue to recognize the power of video, we can expect to see more and more creative and impactful video content being produced. However, it’s important to not get too carried away in the world of video and remember to key your messages short, sweet and clear to have a strong impact on your audience.

Whether you're looking to market a product or service, educate an audience, or simply entertain, video is an incredibly effective medium. By understanding why our brains love video and leveraging the unique benefits of video, we can create more engaging and memorable content that resonates with our audience.

So the next time you're looking to make a lasting impression, consider incorporating video into your strategy. Whether it's a product demo, a brand story, or an explainer video, the possibilities are endless. With video, you have the power to create an immersive and memorable experience that captures the hearts and minds of your audience. We’re a leading video production agency in the heart of London, our experts can craft video to suit the needs of your brand that leaves a lasting impression on your audience. Chat with us today to find out how we can produce amazing company videos to support your marketing strategy.

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